
2019-08-12 13:43:15    Renee    2542

Lieu in Zdoo means that you have worked overtime and you want to ask for a paid leave, so you can use Lieu to apply for such. Apply for a Lieu and select the overtime record, so you can have a paid leave.

Zdoo 3.7+ has added Lieu feature, so you can manage the hours of human resource more flexible.

Firstly, go to OA->Settings and make sure the Lieu feature is on.


Then go to OA->LeaveInLieu and click Create. Fill in the form and click Save. The premise of creating a lieu is that you have worked overtime, so you can choose from the Overtime drop-down. Or you can choose from the Trip dropdown.

You can check the Lieu request and its status in My Lieu.

For department managers or request reviewers, go to My Review to pass or reject the request.

You can check all requests in All.