
2016-09-06 15:40:35    tengfei    5329

Administration will only show to a super admin in Zdoo, which means that only super administrator can fo administration settings.

1. Company settings

Click Profile at the lower left and go to Admin->Company. Click Create to add your company name and introduction here.

2.  Add users and departments for your company

Go to "Admin"->"User", and you can add your staff/departments/roles here.

3. Privileges

Go to "Admin"->"Privilege", and you can assign privileges by groups. You can create a group and assign privileges if the default groups in Zdoo as labeled 1-5 do not meet your requirement.

4. Applications

Go to "Admin"->"App". Click "Create" to integrate the application your company has already used into Zdoo.

5. System

You will set Email, Recycle, Cron and Backup here.

6. Extensions

This Extension is for developers to upload and install extensions created by the third-party users.

7. IM

IM is for users who integrate Xuanxuan, an instant messenger presented by our team, to check the running data. If you want to know more, contact