Ameba Category

2020-04-03 13:42:37    Renee    1777

Go to Ameba->Category, and set categories of incomes and expenses.

In  Amoeba  Management, it is clearly stated that yo u have to do well bookkeeping when you use Amoeba module in Zdoo. Therefore, you have to  link these captions in CASH module with Amoeba categories

In Amoeba module, there are five categories, namely external income, internal income, trade (between two Amoeba departments), internal expenses (within an Amoeba department), and shared expenses.  The page to set  internal expenses and shared expenses is shown in the screenshot above, and have been linked to the captions in the CASH module. 

Here are the definitions of five Amoeba captions:

  • External Income:  incomes generated directly from sales;
  • Internal Income:  incomes generated from trades within the company;
  • Trade:  expenses generated from trades within the company
  • Internal Expense:  expenses generated within an Amoeba department; and
  • Shared Expense: expenses generated from the service department and will be shared by all Amoeba departments.

Here is an example to help you understand the five categories.  

A company has Sales Amoeba, R&D Amoeba, and Administration Amoeba departments. Sales and R&D Amoebas are profit-oriented, and Administration Amoeba is the service provider department. 

Administration Amoeba recruits for  Sales and R&D Amoebas, thus there are costs, such as recruiting fees and the salaries of administrative  staff that  Sales and R&D Amoebas should pay for. Therefore,  the cost will be considered as Shared Expenses and will be shared by those two Amoebas according to expense sharing rules. 

Products developed by the R&D Amoeba are sold by the Sales Amoeba to customers. Customers' payment is the external incomes to Sales Amoeba, and the cost to visit customers is the internal expense of Sales Amoeba. 

Sales Amoeba should pay R&D Amoeba as the internal procurement of the products which is the cost of Trade to Sales Amoeba but the internal incomes to R&D Amoeba.